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DIVA Diaries: Give Me The Eyes To See Him

Writer: Diva DiariesDiva Diaries

The Diva Diaries is a weekly blog series chronicling the experience of a DIVA University student and client. For privacy purposes, the author chooses to remain anonymous, but in doing so, is able to candidly and unabashedly pour her heart out to readers while documenting her journey.

Last time I wrote the DIVA Diaries, I ended the blog with, “I feel like I’ve turned a corner, and I’m so excited for what’s to come. I can feel his energy moving closer to me. And–before he even arrives–I can honestly say that this has all been so worth it.” Three days later, I went on a first date with a man who is absolutely magical. Talk about divine timing. I knew in my heart that I was turning a corner a few weeks ago, as I cleared away some of my final love blocks. And days later, I was not only going on a date, but I was excited to go on this date. And he was, too–over the top excited. We met on a dating app and our effortless, immediate connection and free-flowing conversation reminded me that this does exist! A few days later, we met for coffee on a cold Saturday afternoon, and my face hurt from smiling so much. He was so much fun to be around–and so handsome. In fact, he embodies so many characteristics and traits that I have prayed to God for so long. He and I match in our passions, our humor, our ambitions, and our personal styles. It is exciting to meet someone who I have so much in common with–who I also have plenty not in common with. It’s a great balance that creates a buildup of intrigue.

I have been able to remain in my feminine energy this entire time. In fact, it was the feminine energy that I’ve worked so hard on activating and maintaining that I feel drew him in. Feminine energy is not an act, and it’s not a set of tips and tricks. It’s an absolutely effortless state of being. And it is worth every dollar, hour, and frustration I had to devote to attaining the mindset of a true seductress and to stand in my feminine power.

The rules I’ve learned from Shay about how to date, how to remain mysterious, and how to leave them craving more have absolutely served me in this situation. He wanted to book the second date when we were on the first date, and a week later, we went on that date, with plans for a third. Somehow, just by being myself, I have captivated this man’s attention so much so that he has given me flowers and (small, thoughtful) gifts already–as well as a ton of compliments.

The best part is, DIVA University had prepared me so well for this date because even though I was interested in him, I did not care about the outcome of the date or set any expectations. And I still don’t! All I care about is that the Universe has shown me that someone like this man exists. Because if this isn’t it, it’ll be someone better, and I know that in my heart. Back when I wrote my perfect partner list, I didn’t think that there were certain traits I could ask for. I wondered if a man like the one I was building on a sheet of paper could even exist. I haven’t looked at my perfect partner list yet, and I probably won’t until the time feels right–if it ever does. It feels amazing to know that a man like this–with all his quirks and charm–recognizes my own quirks and charm. And as good as the newness of this feels–and it feels incredible–I am absolutely committed to taking my time, setting the pace, and seeing who this man is as time goes on and I peel back his layers. Right now, I am receiving his efforts and putting everything I learned in DIVA U to practice–and it is working! One of the main things I learned in DIVA U is that I’m single until I’m in an exclusive, committed relationship with a man who has earned me. I am keeping my options open and continuing to work on lining up dates with other high-quality men while I date him. I feel so good because I have spent so many months going on dates with men I wasn’t clicking with, or men I wasn’t interested in. I put myself out there and practiced my dating skills so that I could continue to get better at it and eventually attract my perfect partner. It feels wonderful to be able to enjoy the present day, and to know how much I absolutely adore my life and I'm not chasing love and affection. Like Shay taught me, I am already madly in love with myself. I'm not surprised that someone else notices my best qualities or sees me as a high value woman. That isn't meant to sound snobby, it's meant to confidently assert that I know my worth. I eagerly await the moment God reveals my perfect partner to me. I am so grateful that I have been able to break through and finally begin dating a man who has shown me that I’m attracting higher quality! It feels nice to get attention from a man I'm attracted to as well, and I’m quite enjoying it. But what will feel nicer is knowing that six months or a year down the road, I could be in a relationship with a man who is so devoted to me and loves my soul on another level. But 10 days in, we do not know such things. Only time will tell, and I am excited to see what happens. All I can say about this man is so far, so good! To be able to open my eyes and my heart at the same time is the most powerful I have ever felt in my life!

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1 Comment

Mar 25, 2022

I enjoy reading about your journey. Love that you share when things don't work out, too.

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