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Is Diva University Right For You?

Diva University was designed by Atlanta's #1 Dating Coach, Shay Levister, aka Shay Your Love Diva. It is a hands-on portal that takes women of every walk, just like you, through an inner healing journey. You will explore and learn to remove seen and unseen blocks that are currently standing in your way of finding love. Ultimately, you are preparing to receive your long-held desire and goal of attracting and keeping the type of man that will choose, accept and love you down to your very core.

Diva University is where women go to find love.

Diva University takes women like you on a journey to discover their truest, highest selves and heal along the way. As a virtual fountain of youth, the inner metamorphosis that occurs also transforms the outer woman. You’ll look no further than the before and after picture you take to recognize the remarkable change that occurs once you become your whole, healed, authentic self.

Diva University provides transformational guidance in the form of audio and visual guides that you won’t be able to find anywhere else on the planet. There are hours of meditations that have been carefully created using neurolinguistics programming techniques that affect change and provide healing on a cellular level. Diva U provides all the materials you need to equip you to move beyond your single status into a loving and fulfilling relationship, first with yourself and then with a partner who is totally right for you. There’s a reason why Shay is the go-to Top Celebrity Coach.

Diva University Is Affordable.

Diva University is the first tier of Shay’s program. It offers women who desire love and partnership an opportunity to do so on their own terms. You can join any time and be welcomed into a 12-month commitment that also includes monthly connections with Shay and other women just like you. Based on your budget, you can choose a pay-in-full discount option or make affordable monthly installments. Go at your own pace and enjoy the rewards that come with the experience.

Who is Shay Your Love Diva?

Shay is a woman who easily taps into her own femininity and teaches others to do the same. It wasn’t always easy for her to do this. Growing up, she learned the truth behind the phrase, “It’s a Hard Knock Life” as she witnessed the discord and damage that accompanies family dysfunction. This led her to have a distorted view and definition of love and relationships which created a pattern of heartache and heartbreak. Her powerful story of overcoming against all odds is considered an Amazon Bestseller and is both captivating and affirming. In The Science of Attracting Love, Shay’s vulnerable story proves love is possible for every woman regardless of factors such as looks, the number of children you have, past failures, abuse, age or socioeconomic status. Shay was determined to make a difference in her daughter's life so she wouldn’t bear the same burden of relationship misfortune that had plagued Shay and the women who’d come before her in their lineage. Shay discovered the secret to attracting ANY man while doing a legendary dating experiment of going on 100 dates in 30 days. In the process of cataloguing her findings and using the formula she created on herself, she was proposed to SEVEN times! Diva University is the culmination of her dedication to this task. You now have access to her expertise without having to do the same time consuming legwork. You can learn from the knowledge she gained from hours of reading and listening to hundreds of relationship books as well as interviewing hundreds of men, women and couples.

Still Not Sure If Diva University Is The Right Fit For You?

Follow Shay Your Love Diva on social media! Experience her energy and discover why her thriving practice is making waves across the nation. Join one of her monthly webinars and learn the secret tips she shares with women who join from all around the world. Check Shay out on TikTok, Facebook and Instagram. Let her words of wisdom wash over you and speak to the part of you that knows you need her help. Schedule a Discovery Call with one of her fellow divas and get a firsthand look at what you can expect from this program. You’ll soon realize why she is recognized globally, why she continues to attract celebrity clientele and why she is the right choice for you. When you realize your worth, it’s easy to commit to yourself and the process of developing into the greatest version of yourself. When you’re willing to invest in your inner transformation, you’ll discover that the men you attract will change, too. The confidence you gain will repel lesser men and draw you only to those who want the same things you want- love and commitment. The #DivaLoveFormula found in Diva University is exactly what her celebrity clients use, just without the same level of attention and concierge service. Shay’s scientific formula has made her the premier relationship coach expert. Powerful women and everyday women come to her in droves to be added to her long list of success stories. Experience your own awakening and proudly become a member of the Diva University alumni!

Other Services

If you’re ready to have complete access to the program and begin your healing transformation now, choose one payment or monthly payments. Once you join, you'll also receive access to Shay's exclusive DIVA University Facebook Group which meets monthly. If you didn't know, Shay has been featured in the media, too! Consider other opportunities to work with Shay, one-on-one. Or... would you prefer more interaction with Shay? Do you work well with others and want to be considered for her group masterclass that meets bi-weekly? Are you prepared financially to invest more into you and the future you desire? Apply for BOSS Diva University now or upgrade when you’re ready!

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